November 2, 2013

Candy Collecting

On October 31st I had two little boys so excited for trick or treating that they were awake at 5am.  But just as forecasted, it rained all day long.  It left the streets super soggy... 

But we decided to go ahead with our plans.  Our friends came over and we got ready to hit the streets.  Miles, Malachi & Ethan (Dr Frankenstein and his monster) and Cooper.

Rachel and I look enough alike that one night at our small group Bible study, Derek and Isaac secretly put name tags on our backs to tell us apart.  That was after Isaac made sure to look at Rachel's face before he put his arm around her to make sure it was, in fact, his wife.
So we decided our costumes would be to dress like each other.

It was really Rachel's idea, I thought of adding name tags.

When we headed out we had just a small break in the rain.

We did try to move from door to door quickly since it was chilly and drizzling. 

We let the Dad's walk kids to most doors while watching from under an umbrella.

Our neighbors around the corner had this casket set up.
Cooper and Ethan tried to gain courage to take a look inside.

Finally Isaac opened it and we all met Wilbur when he popped out.

We covered our little neighborhood (we live on a dead end road) and made a run for home!

We dried off and warmed up over soup and coffee.  And the kids checked out their candy... 
I guess I was enjoying myself and didn't take pictures of all that.  But we had a nice evening and are thankful for friends like these we've made in our new city... and we've apparently elevated to the level of friendship that I don't clean my house before they come over.  Ha.

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