September 7, 2013

Here We Go...

Derek's Grandma Jan didn't want a big party for her 70th Birthday.  She wanted to take her family on a trip instead.  So for Labor Day weekend she rented four cabins at Cabin on the Hill near Carbondale, Illinois.

On our way to the cabins we saw a peach stand.
Grandma Jan had asked us to get peaches if we saw a stand.

So we stopped and grabbed a box of yummy, HUGE peaches.

We made it to the cabins and made ourselves at home.
G'pa Gordie and G'ma Jan, Zella and Laney were ready for the fun!

We spent most of our time at the big cabin that Derek's parents were staying in...
with all the teenagers!  It worked well for a commons area and was really nice.

We stayed in the Little Red Barn, but we all helped cook and ate meals in the big cabin.

Included in the food we ate the first night was a watermelon porcupine that Mikiah made.

We saw the sunset the first night.

But weren't ready for the fun to end.  The boys played a few games with Uncles.
(Who were very gracious in entertaining my boys A LOT!)

And there was a lot of mingling and just hanging out.

We headed to our cabin and my boys were asleep as soon as their heads were on the pillow!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it was a super fun family trip. And I see you got some hair cutting in while there! ;-) I did pull up Grandma Debbie's birthday video again last night and showed it to Mark and Lyss and her roommate. It might be the funniest thing I've seen... maybe ever!
