August 5, 2013

iPhone Update

Last Sunday evening, after we'd moved on Saturday, we went with friend's to go fishing. Even though we felt pretty exhausted, we all caught a Sunday afternoon nap and then headed out for fire roasted hot dogs (with the cookout works!) and s'mores.  Followed by fishing in the lake.  It was a welcome break and relaxing.

Miles was the first to reel in a fish.  A nice bass, especially compared to some of the tiny ones we've pulled in this summer!

Miles was hooked... he usually likes to fish, but out did us all this night and fished the entire time we were out there.  All the other kids at least took a break to get a snack or play on the swing set.  Not Miles... he was all in.

Derek caught a few too!

There was fishing off the shore, the dock...

And off of the small row boat.  My friend sent me all the previous pictures, because this was night that I stepped off of this boat and onto the dock and my phone fell out of my sweatshirt pocket and landed in the lake.  It was pretty devastating.  I held it together for a while, but as I started to realize all the apps, pictures and data that were lost with the phone and what it would take to replace, I did cry in front of these friends.

We got in touch with Apple to see about a replacement, but even though we'd purchased the extra AppleCare insurance, they had to have the dead phone to issue a replacement.  So after much discussion about where it could have landed and how deep the lake was in that spot, tracking down some gear, wondering if it was even possible... we decided to go see if we could find it!  Saturday morning, six days after I dropped it, we went out and surveyed the area.

Derek put on his fins.

And goggles.

Grabbed a light.
(which ended up not working)

And jumped in.

It was about nine feet deep around the dock where I dropped the phone.  And there were tall weeds and mud.  Every time Derek started feeling around, because he couldn't really see, he stirred it up even more.

He did have a crowd cheering him on!

Although some didn't hang around to watch.  There was fishing to do!

It was a lot of searching and then coming up for air over and over.  It was a bit hopeless.  I was standing on the dock saying that there was no reason to keep doing this if there was no way Derek was going to find it.  It had been about twenty minutes and Derek had resorted to going down enough to feel around with his feet and come back up.

I was about to tell him to give up when he surfaced and said,
"I think my phone is ringing. Hello?"!!!

He found it!!!!!

He got a thank you kiss right away.  :)

And then, you know me, I went and got the camera (with a neck strap!) and made him pose for a picture.

I'm still in shock that he found it!
And that it looks as good as it does... it was under a little bit of mud.

I love this man no matter what, but he proved (again) why he is my hero!

It may not help, but I've got my phone living in a bag of rice.  Before we mail it in for the replacement, I'll see if it will power on enough to get pictures off of it.  I'm not hopeful but kind of like trying to dive for it, I can't NOT try! 

No discredit to Derek, I'm so happy and excited that he was willing to look and then found my phone. But this had God's hand all over it.  The phone could have gone any direction depending on how it hit the water, yet it went straight down.  And Derek didn't canvas much area at all before finding it... what are the chances?!  Thank you, Jesus!  I'm so glad he cares about the small things!  It will cost us around $49 to replace instead of $600!

I debated waiting to post this so it was chronologically correct but am too excited to wait!  So the next few posts will be a step back in time again.  Ha.  And now I will try to keep up to date on posting!

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