July 30, 2013

We're Here!

Wow.  I didn't meant to neglect my blog so long!  So let me give you a little update before going back in time to catch up a little. We're moved into our house and Cooper is doing so much better!  Thank you for praying... I don't think it's a coincidence that the same time I asked publicly for friends and family to pray, Cooper did a turn around and has improved rapidly since.  So we're thanking God too!  Our doctor told us to expect a bad day now and then for two weeks, but it's been 8 days since then and Cooper has only improved.  He's eating like the growing boy that he is and keeping it down.  And hasn't had anymore pain.

He enjoyed a get well card from Great Grandma.  Thanks, Grandma!

After so many distractions, I wanted to get caught up and be ready to move.
Everyone got a haircut...

But there always seem to be distractions...
Like a break from packing boxes to work fish hooks out of the carpet.

Or to work a boy out of a tight spot.
(Yes, he really was stuck. And yes, I really took a photo before helping him out.)

We made some trips back and forth to the house with some of our things. And I tried to pick out paint colors.  Derek spent evenings painting...  poor guy, all that hard work and I don't really like the colors I picked out once they were on the wall.  It's staying for now though!

We met our next door neighbor and it only took Miles about
fourteen seconds to offer to help her water flowers.

And in the midst of the mess...  the boys enjoyed breakfast in a box.

And a warning to my readers: Over the weekend I lost my phone to a lake bottom. (More on this story later.)  It had at least a week worth of blog post pictures on it that are now lost.  I'm still working on trying to replace it but will not get the photos back no matter what.  All the moving process photos are gone.  I have a few that I'd sent to people that will help me fill you in, but not the whole deal.  :(

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that picture of Miles stuck. So funny. And. I feel your pain on the picking out colors that you don't love once they're on the walls....we have a living room that has two such colors. But they are staying for now as well :)
