July 8, 2013

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Our local Christian radio station sponsored a family night.

 First we watched a baseball game.

We went with a group of friends which always makes things more fun.

And Cooper's favorite friend, Ethan, was there.

  We also got snacks.  Which makes things more fun too.  :)

The best way to enjoy a baseball game is while on a sugar high, right?

The kids rearranged seats a lot and had fun...  maybe it was the sugar high?
(Miles does this with his eyes a lot for pictures right now.  It's creepy.)

POPCORN... makes things more fun.

And our Peoria Chiefs won!

The boys entertained themselves with electronics while waiting for the next event to start.


Miles liked them until a super loud one.
Then he spent the rest of the fireworks show like this. 

The last and final event was a Jamie Grace concert.

We had a great night!

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