July 9, 2013


A couple weeks ago we got to go over to the house we're buying for the inspection.
While Derek wandered around with the inspector, who is a friend of ours...

The boys did their own type of inspection.

We're really excited about this huge yard!!

It will help make up for the not-even-close-to-huge kitchen.  :)

One bonus about this small kitchen is that I can see the backyard from its window.
There is no dining room either though.  What you see is where we eat.
And yes, I took a whole pile of paint samples over there with me that day.

The boy's inspection eventually led them downstairs.

Where they played with all the current owners belongings. I don't think they quite grasp the concept that these toys will not be there when we take possession.
Or the hermit crabs in the upstairs bedroom. 

We may not have been ready for this photo, but we're ready for moving day!

Well... kind of.  I'd better start packing!
Closing is July 19th and we'll have until the 31st to be out of our apartment.