March 26, 2013

Snowy Sunday

When it's a snowy Sunday...

What are kids to do?

Other than catch snowflakes on their tongues...

Head to the Bass Pro Shop for an Easter Egg Hunt!
...of course!

Bass Pro Shop had an Easter event this weekend. (And next)
There were Easter Eggs hidden around the store.

So a hunting we went.

Some were hidden pretty well.

While others were in plain sight.

Some were up a little higher.

And Daddy helped get a few.

Miles was very thorough.  

And boy boys ended up with a lot of eggs.

We had fun spotting them.

After collecting empty eggs, you turn them in for a prize. (Candy)
But not before you check out animal tracks on the ground... 

After the prize collection and the decision NOT to wait in line two hours for a picture
with the Easter Bunny...  We headed to the fishing department to check out the lures.

Where Miles picked up more eggs...
along the way and then again after he dumped his bucket.

Then he sat and enjoyed the fruit of his labor.

And all the boys looked a flies.

It was a fun indoor egg hunt on a snowy Sunday.

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