February 19, 2013

Valentine Cookies

Last week we made some Valentine Cookies.
My ever faithful helper was right there with me.
...never mind that I had to dig egg shells out of the dough after I took this picture.

Rolling and cutting out cookies is so messy fun.

I wish their faces were more visible in this shot... 
They're up to something, I can tell!

We got our cookies baked and cooling.

While they cooled, we made pink chocolate chip cookies.
That might actually looked more orange than pink.

As soon as they were cool enough, Cooper requested to sample a cookie sans frosting.

He approved.

So Miles had one too.

And then we went to work on making them pretty!

Miles got some on the cookie.

In between bites of frosting anyway.

Cooper is getting pretty talented and concentrating to make his.

It sort of resembled a massacre while they worked.

I make quite a mess myself... but we have so much fun.

And I love to see these... their work is precious to me.

I may have goofed up one or two...  opps.

These guys don't care... since they get to eat the 'rejects'!
 (Props to you if you noticed they're wearing different clothes.
The first set of the day is soaking in the sink to try and get red frosting out.  HA!)

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