February 23, 2013

Snow Fun!

As the midwest got hit with a winter storm last week, we were just a bit jealous as friends and family posted pictures of the beautiful snowfall they were getting.  While we had no snow at all my Mom sent me this shot...

Then yesterday we woke up to this!

It wasn't much...

But we were excited to see it!

Cooper even brought a little inside.

Derek was able to leave work a little early and we all bundled up.
As I buckled Miles snow bibs he said, "Buckle safety belts!".

We finally got everyone dressed appropriately and headed outside.

And went in search of a slope to slide down.

 We found one on our apartment property and gave it a go.

 Down they went!

That was fun!

Miles pretty much has it made... he doesn't even have to get off his sled.

Then a few neighbors joined us.
Cooper has been asking to play with Additi and Additya so it worked out well.

This sledding stuff is pretty fun. 

 We all had a good time and were freezing in about an hour.  :)

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