February 5, 2013

Birthday Hunt

Last year we got Cooper a bike for his birthday and sent him on a scavenger hunt to find it. He thought it was so much fun and asked for a gift hunt again this year.  So Derek took him to get donuts... while I set up the search.  Each clue led him to another small gift.

Which he quickly unwrapped and then asked us to read the next clue.

He did good finding them.

And it didn't take him long to realize they were all fishing bait.

Somehow he was still surprised when he got to the end and opened a tackle box!

With a couple of Transformer Kre-O sets inside.

Hunt complete!

And if you'd like to watch... here is a video Derek put together of the scavenger hunt.
Lets give him a round of applause too, he cut this down to 3 minutes and 12 seconds from over 10 minutes of my iPhone footage!  :)


  1. Fun video and we get a tour of your apartment too. I love the "and it's more presents and more presents" from Cooper. Looks like he had a great birthday!

  2. This is the most fun birthday tradition ever! My kiddos remembered last year too!
