February 7, 2013

Birthday Bugs

After we'd had our birthday cake the five year olds
talked Derek into opening up the bug maker.

They set it up and read the directions.

Well... Derek read the directions while Cooper and Ethan
used the bug making utensils to have a sword fight.

Miles was napping, but Ethan's little brother, Malachi (18mo old),
wanted to get up to the table and see what was going on.

It's quite a process this bug making.

You have to put the pods in and let them melt and then squish them out into the mold.

We had a few bugs fail at first...

And the kids got bored with it and left the adults to figure it out.

Finally success!

Daddy even filled it with goo...

And let the birthday boy smash it's guts out. (ewww)

We had a good day...bug making/squishing and all.
We've really hit it off with this family from church and found we have a lot in common with Isaac and Rachel.  From roots in Iowa, to parenting boys, to owning matching IKEA lamps.  :)   Thanks for spending the day with us, Downings!

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