January 4, 2013

Gifts and Giving

Sorry for the delay in posts!  We've been working on getting home and fighting colds/coughs... and it might take me until spring to dig my way out of the mess that is my Post-Christmas house.  Not to mention digging my way through all the pictures to prove it all happened!  Enough of my rambling about excuses and back to our Sunday Christmas celebration at my parents house...

We had a dinner of prime rib and delicious sides.  These must not be the pictures I'm digging through, no one took any, I guess.  Just trust me, it was good.

Then Mom gathered the kids around the nativity.

And they acted out the story of Jesus' birth as Dad read it from the Bible.

Then it was time to tear into gifts.

The cousins draw names amongst each other and gathered around and watched each other open gifts.

Everyone was thrilled with their gifts from cousins.

And giving is fun too... Miles clapped while Josiah opened his gift from him.

Josiah liked his DS Game...

And that earned Miles a hug.

Miles got a cute little Boots doll. (Dora the Explorer)

Ethan and Cooper got beard masks.

Jonah was very excited about his little guitar and recruited Uncle Drew for lessons immediately. 

 Josiah's pocket knife came in handy helping cousins open their gifts.

One of which was Cooper's Rescue Bot, Boulder. Just what he wanted!
(I love Jake flipping his hair in the background of this photo!)

Lily doesn't need a pocket knife...

She got right into her gift.

And then just wanted to eat the paper.

Her cute little self didn't mind modeling the gifts for us, though.

Royce got some cute things too.

But like his twin sister... the gift is less interesting than what it was wrapped in.

My brother, Greg, surprised Dad with a long board.
No injuries so far but I'll update you if/when it happens. 

The whole session was a gift opening blur of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the photo of the boys wearing their beards! Thanks for posting :)
