January 10, 2013

Forty Eight

On December 27th, Derek's Grandparents celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary.  They were in Kansas City for a couple days, so we took a day trip to spend a little time with them.

Derek had already gone home to Peoria to get back to work, but the rest of us made the drive. The boys had a good nap on the way.

Then they got to open some Christmas gifts from Great Grandparents.

Cooper has been asking for this "Where's My Water" game.

And Miles got a fun Cars rug to drive his cars on.

He didn't waste any time, he tried it out right away.

Mikiah helped Cooper set up his game.

 And then we all headed to dinner.

We enjoyed great food, good conversation and a fun time together.

Uncle Bruce helped Cooper get some ice cream.

And Uncle Trey helped Miles.

Cooper decided he wanted to try a crepe.  They make them when you ask for it, with a lot of options for fillings and toppings... Coop asked for his plain.  I had him get a side of berries in case he wanted to add them after he tasted it...

But he loved it plain and even went back for seconds.
(Which would be third dessert!) 

Mikiah went for a cannoli...or five!  :)

We had fun taking some pictures, although I forgot my good camera.  Phones will do!

Happy 48 years to Grandma & Grandpa!

Then we headed back to Wichita... on the ride Cooper accidentally called me "Grandma" and we all got a good laugh.  Love this little boy...

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