December 20, 2012

Stocking Up on Goods

Saturday morning we slept in a little and then Derek and I, at least, enjoyed some quiche...

While the boys were more interested in what was in their stockings.

They dug in and started opening. Using much concentration.

Being excited over gifts.

Checking out what the other guy was opening too.

And maybe trying to snag the other guys gift once or twice.

Miles really liked his very own chapstick.

But both boys thought this was a cruel joke when they realized these weren't m&m's.
Miles said, "These are not chocolate m&m's".  HA.

Cooper got a set of mustaches.

He shared with Miles.

Then we all tried them out.

Stockings are always a fun mess.

Once all the gifts were open, Daddy and Cooper worked on one of Cooper's new LEGO sets.

While Miles played with the new cars.

And put on more chapstick.

It was a relaxing kind of day...  a nap was in order.

And that was our "Christmas"!
Next we're headed to Wichita to celebrate with family there.

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