November 6, 2012

My Masked Men

We did a couple different things in costume for halloween.  We rummaged through the costume box, added a few accessories and dressed the boys up.

They like playing dress up.

Friday night we went to the Bass Pro Shop event where we had this picture taken.

And then a Santa in a camouflage suit judged the costume contest.
And then we briefly misplaced Cooper and it was a little traumatic for us all. After we recovered, Derek joked that we should haven't been surprised to dress our son in camo and then lose him in the Bass Pro Shop... yeah, yeah.

Then on halloween we dressed the boys up again for some trick or treating. 


After we got all the punching out of our systems... 

 We caught up with some neighbors to hit the streets... er, uh, complex stairs.
This is the boys friend, Erica, dressed as an owl.


We gathered with a few more neighbors.

And off they went.

Door to door collecting all kinds of sweet, yummy things to eat.

While us Mom's tagged along.

These kiddos had bags full of goodies after about 30 minutes.  And that was enough.  In fact Miles isn't in this picture because once we got to our own door he went in and didn't really want to come back out!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the costumes. Looks like a fun night. And I'm still chuckling over Miles little tiny wife beater tank top...
