November 5, 2012

Cashing In

For Miles Birthday, Aunt Brenda sent him money to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. We finally had time to take him to cash it in last weekend.  He was pretty excited! (My boys point the place out every time we drive by.)

We saw Chuck E. as soon as we got there.
He was on the move though so the boys had to chase him a little.

They caught up in time to get in on the dance and free tokens Chuck gives out once every hour.

Then the boys played some games.  Miles hit the jackpot on this one!

And rode some rides.  This was both of their favorite.

And of course they ate their fill of pizza.

Thanks, Aunt Brenda (and family)!!

1 comment:

  1. HIs sweater and little plaid shirt make him look so professional. Maybe the next generations CPA??
