October 19, 2012

Island Tour Day

 Our first full day on Oahu was "Island Tour" day.

We drove all around the island visiting points of interest and beaches.
It really helped us learn our way around.

Miles slept through some of it.

So he missed some fun views.

Cooper tried the boogie board at each beach we stopped at.

Miles tried all the snacks we brought along. 

Daddy usually needed to give Cooper a little push to get going.

Then he would ride the wave in.

And sometimes wipeout!  But always get up and head right back out. 

Miles got in the water and caught a wave too.

In the face.  Oops.  He was just fine. 

We moved onto the next beach, where we ate lunch.

Then I asked for a picture... and birds finished off our food.  Oops again! 

We stopped for shave ice.

And cracked mac nuts at Tropical Farms.

We took more pictures along the way.

And stopped at a road side stand for a pineapple, some mangos and an "Ice Cold Coconut Drink".

We explored "Leftovers" beach. 

Where the boys found some little fish.

And a crab or two.

We also took a little time to relax. 

We stopped at one beach and saw a sea turtle.

They're a protected species, so when they come on shore they get roped off and you can't touch but can get pretty close. He was fun to see!

We watched the sunset...  beautiful!

A perfect way to start our visit.

1 comment:

  1. I love that photo of Cooper running with the boogie board. I know he's only 4 but he looks like a serious boogie boarding teen in that photo. Gives us a glimpse into what a handsome kid he is and will be when he gets older!!
