June 7, 2012

New Shoes

Derek took Cooper fishing one evening... and left Miles behind.
I'll let you come to your own conclusion as to how that made Miles feel.

I had a few things I wanted to look at at Target...and it's one of my favorite places to kill time...so Miles and I went shopping.  I had a coupon for shoes I'd printed from Target.com, if you don't already know about their printable coupons, check it out! You can use them on clearance items and combine them with manufactures coupons! Sorry...back to today's post now! I found these little red shoes on sale.  Miles loved them and didn't want to take them off once I tried them on him.  He wore them around in the cart, tied together, while I shopped.  He protested me taking them off to pay for them, so after she scanned them, the nice check out lady cut the tags off for him so he could wear them home.  I'll let you come to your own conclusion as to how that made Miles feel.

The next morning after his bath I found him in his room trying to put them on.

I convinced him to put some clothes on too.

And even though we didn't have anywhere to go... Miles wore his shoes around all day!

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