June 20, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is Derek's Birthday.  We've had a lot of changes lately and I'm so excited for the opportunity God has provided for Derek.  He's a talented videographer/editor and he's getting a chance to really use his gifts. By the way, the show he's been editing, "Big Deer" premieres on the Sportsman Channel a week from today!  And even though I'm tempted to write more sappy things on here, I'll save you and just tell him myself later how much I appreciate and love him.   We all love and adore you, Derek. 

These pictures were from Father's Day.  The boys got Daddy a little gift.

They were all pretty excited about a new tape measure.  :)

Mostly Daddy?

He really is the best Daddy and husband ever.  I find myself thinking there is no way other wives could possibly love their husbands as much as I love mine.  He's perfect for me...   And I thank God for this man.


  1. Happy Father's Day & birthday to Derek in one week. Wow!

    I love the photo display over your sofa. I'll need your help redecorating my basement once both kids move to college. I've got photos on the wall but not in a cohesive manner.

  2. Happy Birthday, Derek!! :) have a wonderful day!
