June 5, 2012

Catch Up

Please forgive the photo overload that is this post!  I'm really just trying to catch up!

The boys room was one of the first (right after the kitchen) to be unpacked and set up.

We'll stack the beds into bunk beds soon.  I just have two concerns:
1) Cooper needs to stay in his bed all night.
I don't want him climbing down and coming to my bed during the night.
2) I'm sure Miles will want to climb the ladder.  I don't want to worry about him climbing to the top bunk while playing during the day.  Or night for that matter.  We'll see!  Ha.

The boys/hall bathroom was next to be ready.  

And now... going back a couple weeks.  Since I sent my boys to Wichita I had the week to myself to pack up the house.  I just started filling up boxes and putting them out in the garage.  If we moved more often I would be so buff...   and exhausted! :)

And I took an occasional break to eat... 
I even got myself (grocery store) sushi one day.

And then the last day of my packing week... because I'm pretty much crazy... I had one more garage sale.  I needed to get rid of a few more things!  Derek's family showed up while I was still selling things and we went to get the truck and start loading.  If this doesn't say, "Moving Sale" I don't know what does!

Thanks to Mikiah for manning my sale while we starting loading the truck.

I missed my boys, but was pretty thankful they were at Grandma's while I packed.
Their little hands can unpack things faster than we can load them!

They did have a lot of fun in the truck until we kicked them out of the way...

Partly because they were getting FILTHY in there!

So Miles went in and helped Uncle Drew pack.
(Derek's family was SO MUCH help to me!)

And remember what I said about their little hands?

We were getting rid of the kitchen table so Dale took the top off to load it up.
Miles was so confused.

He insisted on eating here one last time!

I picked Derek up from the train station late that night and after one last night in our house, we got up the next morning and finished loading. There wasn't much to do thanks to my WONDERFUL in-laws!

And after one last look...  (not going to lie, I was in tears at that point.)

We hit the road!  Peoria bound!

We arrived and unloaded in great time.  Words can't express how thankful I am to Dale, Debbie, Drew and Mikaih.  They were so much help!  And I know it wasn't easy.  Our apartment is on the third floor and it was hot...  but they didn't complain once.

It didn't take long at all and Miles was feeling right at home.

Just one last THANKS to Derek's family.
We appreciate your sacrifice of time and labor so much.
We're enjoying getting settled in... more posts of Peoria to come!


  1. Thanks for posting all the photos of your new apartment. It looks adorable and the boys' room is pretty big.

    I love the photo by the sold sign but it makes me teary so I can only imagine how you felt.

    I'm glad Miles is settling in so easy!

  2. Thanks for sharing your big move! And I am jealous that your apartment is already unpacked and set up! We still have a ways to go here!
