March 14, 2012

Picture Mail Recap

Maybe it's all old news, but I was cleaning off my phone and came across some of the picture mail I got while my boys were in Wichita without me.  So today's post consists of low quality phone photos.  Don't complain.  If you're a faithful follower of this blog you already know I'm pretty good at posting about absolutely nothing anyway. here we go!  :)

 Here is Miles eating with Jonah:

And Cooper and Jake having a light saber fight on the trampoline. Cooper is wearing a "Robin" (Batman's sidekick) costume. It appears Jake might be without costume, or he has ninja pants on, if not I'm sure the costume is nearby... or else that isn't Jake.

Miles likes when he ends up in the playroom alone and gets the train table to himself.

And here he is playing with a doll.  We don't have dolls at our house.

And Papa introduced Miles to Black Jelly Bird Eggs.  He likes them.

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