March 15, 2012

A Big Move

Peoria, Illinois:  Our new living location soon!

Derek has officially accepted a video editor postion with InterMedia Outdoors.
They produce a lot of the content for the Sportsmen Channel... it's a great career move for Derek and the job is a perfect fit for him!  We have mixed emotions about leaving Kansas City, but know God has our future planned out and we're excited about this opportunity.  Derek and I visited Peoria a few weeks ago and I snapped this picture of the river at night. (From a moving vehicle, sorry for the blur)

We've briefly explained the move to Cooper who's main concerns are: "Will our TV go with us" and "Will we find a new Wal-Mart?". Derek is scheduled to start working in Peoria on April 2nd.  So things are in full swing to get our house on the market and relocate the rest of us.  As you can imagine that whole process is a little stressful.  Please pray with us that our house sells fast and we can all live in one place as soon as possible.


  1. This is an answer to years of prayer and we are so happy for Derek. We continue to pray and are thankful for each answered prayer as God provides for this move.

    Now I'm going to live approximately 557 (or a million) miles away from my nephews. It's moments like this that I'm glad you're so diligent in your blogging :)

  2. I really like seeing how close Indiana is on that map to your new location! Praying the house sells quickly and your move is relatively painless. (Is that possible?) Keep us in the loop, we'd love to help if there is anything we can do!

  3. Congrats! It will be a fun adventure.

  4. Oh my goodness, what big news! What an exciting time for you right now. Praying for all the best!!

  5. Congrats on your exciting new adventure.... We can definitely relate :-) You guys will be in our prayers for a smooth and safe move.

  6. Maybe you remember the story when Tyler was around 3 and Derek was 6, we moved to Dubuque, Iowa. Tyler was very upset when the family helped load our house into the moving livestock trailer! He said, "They are taking my TV!"
