February 4, 2012

Birthday Day

On Cooper's birthday when I saw he was awake, I went into his room singing "Happy Birthday to You".  He grinned sleepily and asked, "I'm four years old?".  When I told him yes, he stood up on his bed and said, "But I'm not any taller!". Ha.  We spent most of the day doing all our normal things.  Then Daddy came home from work a little early and brought a balloon.

 So it was time to open his gifts.  My family sent their gifts with Derek's family when they came in January... so Cooper had all their gifts to open.

Miles pulled up a chair to watch the action.

Cooper got a cool sweat shirt from Aunt Mandy, Uncle Jonathan & Ethan.

And Tom's from Aunt Anna & Uncle Jared: 

A Cars watch from Miles:

A Jayhawk shirt from Rouses:

And Cars toys from Rouses:

...and more Cars 2 stuff.  Can't have too much Cars 2 stuff!

Cooper got one more gift and some company but both require posts of their own.
...coming soon.

Cooper got a phone call during dinner.
Grandma Jan & Grandpa Gordie sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

And then we just spent some time hanging out...
This is when we discovered the cool sweatshirt from Aunt Mandy had more to it.
It has a hook up for an iPod and speakers in the hood!!  Cooper thought this was way cool!
(Me too!)  Cooper watched part of a movie on the iPod, listening through the hood.

...while wearing his new shoes from Aunt Anna.

A little later we Skyped with the Grandma, Papa, Ethan... and then Rouses.

Rouses were present via the computer while we sang to Cooper.

And while he blew out the candles. 

And when he burned himself with hot wax from the candle!

And yes, they were watching when he smashed his own face into the cake!
He was begging to, so I said sure...
we don't need leftover cake around here anyway, we've had plenty! :)

Cooper laid down with Derek at bedtime and I left the room to do something
(you know, a woman's work is never done, you just finally decide to go to bed)
and when I came back I found them both fast asleep...  I'd say it was a good day.

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