October 13, 2011


We've lived in our house for five years now.  This summer was the first time I planted a garden.  Not only do I not have a green thumb, we have some city property behind our house accomidates all kinds of creatures.  Squirrels, rabbits, muskrats, we've even seen a fox.  So my fear has been that creatures would eat our garden...  I didn't purposefully take any pictures of it, mostly because it was small and pathetic, but I found some shots from the summer that the garden ended up being in.  Here Cooper was letting a little frog (yes, it's really a toad, Dad) friend go in the garden:

We planted cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, butternut squash, bell peppers, jalepenos and corn.  The corn didn't make it at all.  Right after we planted there were little holes where each seed had been.  And one day I looked out my kitchen window to see a pair of cardinals in the garden, one digging up a corn seed and then handing it off to the other... who flew off to enjoy what would have been my corn.  You can see the plants that made it past seeding growing in rows in the background of slip and slide action:

Then it started to get a little out of control since we planted it all to close together.  As seen behind Cooper during a backyard fire pit hotdog roast.  Once it actually had veggies growing though, the creatures really got excited.  Again, I saw out of my kitchen window a squirrel carrying off a tiny little cucumber.  We tried several things to ward them off, including sprinkling human hair around it.

I guess these squash got to big for the creatures to cart off... 
although it looks like they tried by the teeth and claw marks!

One thing they didn't touch was the jalapenos.

It was an experiment for sure, we'll see if I want to try a garden again...
I'm not into all the work just to feed neighborhood creatures.
Although it seems they really enjoyed my produce!

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