September 9, 2011

Wauneta Weekend - Hog Barn

While we were on the farm in Nebraska we visited the hog barn.

There were babies!

Our city kids learned that even baby pigs don't smell very good...just ask Jake!

They did enjoy holding them though:

We saw the "Reawy Hooge Pigs" too:

For some reason Miles really didn't like the big pigs.  The smell maybe?  :)

He put up with getting acquainted with a baby pig though.

These babies were just born that day and were welcomed to the world well!

This is the kind of thing I was around a lot as a kid 
and it's fun to watch my boys experience it too.
(Notice Miles is still keeping an eye on that big pig!)


  1. I'm gagging just imagining the smell! The babies are cute though. Why are they all in such small cages? It looks pretty tight in there!

  2. Hayley has looked at this post 10 times today. And usually goes through the pictures 2 or 3 times per visit. She has said "more pigs" today more than she has said anything else. Popular post with the 22 month old in my life! (Love Jakers plugging his nose in the background!)
