September 15, 2010

Making Faces

Don't know if he'll stick with it yet, but we keep finding Miles like this:

I think it's adorable and according to my Mom,
who had two thumbsuckers, they're the happiest babies.

I also think the funny faces Miles makes are adorable.
Derek had the camera when he started squirming around:

It was probably gas, but this one cracks me up!

And sweet dreams, perhaps?

We went to the doctor for Miles check up yesterday.
All looks good with the Jaundice and Miles now weighs 9 pounds and 3 ounces.


  1. I'm not sure what to do with a whole post without Cooper! Just teasing.... Miles is so cute. Love all the close-ups. Keep those coming for those of us FAR, FAR away.

  2. oh my word. so so so so cute. i think for some reason you just produce super happy babies. Probably because you are always super happy! also I LOVE WHEN BABIES SUCK THEIR THUMBS!! wanted to die when i saw the second pic. Matter of fact, when my little cousin stopped sucking his thumb we tried to re-teach him how to suck his thumb again (more like bribe him with stuff to make him suck his thumb again). his mother was not happy since she tried to break him of the habit. don't know why she didn't want him to, i would want my babies to suck their thumbs until they were like 6 or so when it starts becoming slightly odd. think i will add to my prayer list to have babies that suck their thumbs right out of the womb.

  3. oh also, love that you have this little pop up box for comments. makes it easier for me to scroll and look at the post again as i comment (noticed angie has it too, love it). best! you are so good with computers.

  4. Sooooooo cute! I bet those thumbs are yummy. No, I don't want to try them, but I don't have any thumbs of my own to suck on. Yea for a happy baby!!
