June 18, 2009

Still in Wichita - Still Having Fun

Yesterday we went to the zoo in the morning.
First stop was the petting zoo:

Cooper liked playing with the goats and sheep:

Jaedyn was upset when she got dirt in her flip flop:

Looking at the penguins:

Cooper thinks anything Josiah does is hilarious!

They're buddies! Josiah pushed Cooper most of the time:

That's him way out in front leading the way!

Since Josiah had Cooper, I walked with Jaedyn:

Cooper checking out the turtle:

Surprise...the reptiles are Jacob's favorite! :)

The boys got a close up view of the tiger!

Cousins checking out the King Cobra:

Uncle Drew helping Cooper get a drink:

Seeing if they weigh as much as a monkey:

Speaking of monkeys... They are monkeys!

I think the gorillas were hot. (So were we!)

Group picture! We had a lot of fun!

In the afternoon we went and watched Josiah and Jacob's swim lessons.

All the kids stayed at Grandma's house while Angie and I went to play Bunco.
Aunt Mandy read them a book:

And Grandma let them eat in front of the TV!

Reading more books:

Angie and I had a great time playing Bunco with Renetta, Michelle and Joy!

(We did a lot of laughing!)

Next up... a surprise guest!


  1. Looks like a fun week! Love all their expressions in the tiger pic. The kids are starting to look tan!

  2. I love the picture of you and Jaedyn walking together. Aunts are just the best! I think I might know who the surprise visitor is.

  3. SO HILARE!!

    1. more pictures like the second one of cooper with a tank top - look at those arms! so adorable!

    2. jaedyn's outfit is super cute.

    3. the tiger picture makes it look like you are inside the tiger pit taking a picture of the kids! hilare!

    4. the picture of cooper looking at the swim lessons - adorable. he kind of looks like he was about to make the "ooooh" face! and his little feet in his sandals...CUTE!

    5. what did the kids have for dinner? that looks SO yum.

    6. HILARE HILARE HILARE that jake is wearing a blazer during story time! it's even funnier that no one else is dressed up in anything...like it's just his normal outfit and he thinks it is normal. he is soooo funny.

    7. what is bunco? sounds like a good time!
