May 29, 2009


We've had a few visitors recently.  My little brother, Greg, 
was off work this week and spent it with his friend, Spencer.  
So they stopped by while they were in our area on Monday.

Cooper convinced Uncle Greg and Spencer to have a jam session while they were here.

Yes, these guys have ridiculous hair.  Maybe it's just the Barber in me saying that.  
But I think you'll agree. :)  Cooper kept saying, "Uh Oh" when he looked at them and their hair was in their eyes!

We're glad they came by to say, "Hi".  It was fun to see them.

On Tuesday my Aunt and Uncle came to our house.  
They are missionaries to Argentina and are in the States on furlough right now.  
They're staying at my Grandpa's in Lincoln, Ne. and were in Wichita for the holiday weekend.
  So they decided to come stay with us for a night on the way back to Lincoln.

They took us out to Red Robin for Dinner!  Cooper got a balloon.... that made them instant friends!

Cooper warmed up to them really quick!  (We haven't seen them since Cooper was one week old)

Cooper was fascinated by Uncle Brad's watch...  then later the contents of his shirt pocket!

Aunt Kristy showed Cooper pictures of her Grandbabies:

Then read books before bed:

It was nice to catch up with them!  We're hoping they come back to see us before they leave the Country again.   (Maybe catch a Royals game!)
Thanks for visiting, Uncle Brad & Aunt Kristy!


  1. Wonder if your brother has seen Wayne's World? That's what the hair reminds me of! Cooper is sure a friendly little guy :)

  2. I'm thinking that Greg and Spencer are going to be great at the "comb over" as old men!
