May 12, 2009

A Time to Play

While we were in Wichita we went to Sedgwick County Park to play.
Cooper loved all the climbing. I could hardly keep track of him!

Mikiah helped me out:

Jake on the slide:

Monkey See:

Monkey (try to) Do:

Mikiah gave Cooper and Jaedyn a ride on this:

They don't look thrilled here, but didn't ever want to get off:

Drew teaching Cooper how this works:

It didn't take him long to jump right in!

He was filthy and loved it!

Trey brought along his iPod to prevent boredom!

And he helped Cooper dig:

Mikiah and Drew swinging:

Cooper liked this big swing:

Most of us fit on this contraption... Angie stayed off to take the picture!


  1. ...And to prevent motion sickness :)

    It was a fun afternoon, I'm glad we did that instead of the zoo!

  2. how do you get to that part of the park?

  3. Mindy-
    It's on this map. It's up by the 21st St entrance (which is closed for construction) where it says "playground".

  4. That's an incredible park! We need one of those down here.

    I love how Cooper will try anything. ALL boy:)

  5. We havne't been to this particular part of the park. We need to get there soon!!! Great pictures!
