May 11, 2009

River Run

We went to Wichita this weekend to run in the River Run.
(It just happened to be Mothers Day weekend too! Pictures of that to come!)
It's part of a bigger event the River Festival that Wichita has every year.

Getting ready to run the 2-mile. Dale and Mallory had already run the 10k!

This is our cheering section! Minus Drew B. who took all these pictures for us! Thanks guys!

Someone told Josiah that there will be a cannon at the start!

Trey and Drew M. must have been flying by at too high a speed...
no one saw them to get a picture.

There goes Mal!

Cooper, Derek, Mikiah and Dale:


Debbie and I:

Our cheering section doing a little running of their own! Mom is so fast she blew her shoe out!

We made it! And Cooper even got a finishing medal!

Ethan was proud of his mommy:

Our first River Run completed:

All the runners:

We had a good time and I'm hoping this becomes an annual tradition.
Pam says running/racing is addicting... I have to agree!


  1. Cute, cute, cute!
    I rolled my ankle--decided not to risk running on it so soon after. Proud of you guys!

  2. that is so cool you guys could do that together as a family!

  3. How fun for all of you. Way to go. Although I had to walk it this year. Looking forward to running it again next year.
