April 21, 2009

Praying for Pretzels

Cooper recently learned to crawl up on the kitchen chairs.

I think he was ready for a snack... as soon as he got up he folded his hands to pray.

Pretzels are his favorite snack!!

I know he doesn't understand what he's doing yet, but it blesses my heart to see Cooper pray.
My desire is to raise him to praise, obey and serve God with all his heart.

Lord, give me wisdom to train this precious little boy to love you!


  1. Amen to that prayer! When Collin was at the babysitter's the other day, he was praying and thanking God for the food...then he said "thank You for the CHIPS", peeked around the table and didn't see any, closed his eyes again and repeated it. He knew how to get chips put on the table! :)

  2. That is precious! What a wonderful Mommy and Daddy Cooper has. I feel blessed by the family I have.

  3. CUTE! you are def raising him right! he is so sweet. and what a smart baby!
