March 2, 2009


My brother-in-law, Ronnie's, Grandma passed away.
So my sister and family came up to KC for the funeral over the weekend.
We're sorry for their loss but enjoyed spending some time with them since they stayed with us.

We woke up to snow Saturday morning! So much for just a dusting!

The kids enjoyed playing together.
It's fun to watch Cooper play with them since he's not so little anymore.

Jaedyn and Cooper chased the kitty.

The kids got all bundled to go outside.

Cooper is trying on Derek's furry hat.

I had some more pictures... but my little camera is lost or misplaced. Hopefully I find it soon!


  1. I love that first picture - they are all getting so big!

  2. I like how Cooper is looking up a Josiah instead of the snow. Older cousins are so cool!

    Cooper is gaining on Jaedyn fast! He's getting so tall.

  3. I love those last two pictures of Cooper, he's irresistible!

  4. I love that first picture too!
    And, I can't believe YOU lost your camera!!! I was sure it was permanently attached to you! :)

  5. Fun times with cousins! I like Cooper's little, chubby neck in the last pic!
