January 31, 2009

Grandma's Puppies

Snakes and snails and PUPPY DOG TAILS! Another boy thing? Maybe?
Here is Cooper eating the puppies tails:

Jaedyn was sharing with Cooper. She's kind of the 'mamma hen' to all these boy cousins!

They had a lot of fun playing with puppies!

Cooper really likes to kiss them!


  1. Oh my! I hope that puppy's bottom was clean!

  2. Even the look on Jaedyn's face screams "mother hen!!" Cooper better watch out, tails isn't the only thing at that end of the puppy!

  3. What cute pictures. I'm sure those puppies are good for hours of fun!

  4. Those are cute. Cooper seemed to be photographed with the chocolate puppy the most...he's our favorite too. Koen kept laughing at just that one puppy!

  5. it's true, to truly enjoy anything, you gotta taste it! hehe

  6. cute cute cute cute cute. i love jaedyn in those boots too. that dog is cute and is even cuter in cooper's lap.
