August 11, 2008

Worlds of Fun!

We spent Saturday at Worlds of Fun with Derek's family!

Are we tall enough?


Derek & Mal rode on the rip cord! It 'tows' you up eighteen stories and drops and swings!

Here they are waiting in anticipation:

Waiting to watch the dare devils:

Uncle Tyler entertaining Cooper:

They're heading out!

Being pulled up!

Free falling!!

And FLYING by us!

Cooper & Grandpa watching:

Cooper also stayed with Grandma a lot while we rode! (Thanks again, Debbie!)

But Cooper did get to go on one ride! :)

He loved it! He was saying, "oooooooooo" as we went around!

He also got to play in the Peanut's Playhouse:

The big guys enjoyed it too!

And Cooper met Snoopy on the way out!

Cooper and Daddy at the Patriot! (we took a vote, it's the best roller coaster there!)

...and with Mommy:

With Uncle Trey & Uncle Drew:

...Waiting for the rest of the group to join us to leave.

We had a wonderful day with a tiny bit of rain in the morning and then beautiful weather! And the lines weren't too long either. We all enjoyed it so much!
...even Cooper!


  1. Looks like lots of kids would have been screaming if they were that close to Snoopy! :) For some reason they are scared of big costumes.

  2. Cooper's face on the carousel is priceless!

  3. I'm a little jealous!! Looks like tons of fun.
    Cooper looks like Josiah to me in that last picture.

  4. Looks like fun! Cooper is not looking so "baby"-like in that last picture. :)

  5. oTroy wasn't tall enough last year to ride the Patriot, he was so disappointed. We love Worlds of Fun!
