August 10, 2008

Baby or Laundry?

Since Cooper can move so quick and still occasionally tips over while sitting up... this is where he sat while I fixed dinner.

Both to help him stay put... and protect his little head from the tile.

He doesn't mind!

"Just don't put me in the washing machine, Mom!"


  1. Great idea! Do you have a Bumbo chair? This probably works better-he can reach his toys & move around a little bit!!

  2. What a good idea! He's so cute; love reading your blog.

  3. What a great idea! I'll have to remember that - although, on second thought...this one would probably be too tempting to push around by his older brothers! :)

  4. We've done that too! But yet, like Joy said, it becomes a "train" for the other kiddos to push around!

  5. I think it's time to invest in some baby gates!

  6. Bailey loved the laundry basket! The more stuff I put in the happier she got!
