May 30, 2008

On the Farm...

Today we went to the Deanna Rose Farmstead. It was a so much fun... and it's FREE! :)

There were a lot of animals to see:

And beautiful flower gardens:

Cooper in his stroller, he enjoys being outside:

Ryan and a big goat:

Ryan was afraid the goat was going to eat his hat!

Cooper, the caterpillar:

Cooper, the flower:

Ryan Fishing:

Lauren, Brenda and Cooper watching Ryan fish:

There was much more that didn't make the blog. But we enjoyed it so much, we'll for sure be going back. So they'll probably make the cut next time.


  1. Hahaha! The picture of "Cooper the Flower" is priceless... it looks like he's about to puke all over the place. That or he's constipated.

  2. He is the cutest stinkin' caterpillar I've ever seen. He makes that top hat look good!

  3. Hey-the "Wheeler Farmstead" is free'll have to bring Cooper :)

  4. So he stayed awake for the farm visit?? That must be a first for him.

  5. Looks like fun! I think Cooper is an adoarable caterpillar!

  6. Looks like Cooper had a great time at Deanna Rose. Isn't it the best place ever! I still can't believe it is free and I know we will visit time and time again. Cooper is adorable...I just love the picture of him as the flower!
