May 15, 2008

My First Mother's Day (as a mommy)

Mother's Day was special this year. It was wonderful to dedicate Cooper to the Lord on my First Mothers Day as a mommy!

We also got to spend the day with both of our Mom's. (Cooper's Grandma's)

And two of our grandma's. (Cooper's Great Grandmas) I somehow didn't get a picture of Derek's Grandma Jan... but she was there, I promise!

This was also the first Mother's Day without Grandma Secor. That proved to be a bit emotional at times, but we're so glad we know she's in heaven and we'll have an eternity to spend with her once we all get there!

This was my Mother's Day Gift:

It's perfect and I love it!

I'm so blessed to be a mommy to this beautiful baby!


  1. Amy... congrats on your being a first tim mommy... he's a cutie.

  2. Isn't it such a joy to be a Mom? You are a great Mom, Amy! I love all the pics.

  3. I love the pictures of you & Cooper together. CUTE!

  4. I love the pic of Cooper kissing you! Wet, slobbery kisses are awesome...

  5. Aaah to be a Mommy! The luckiest job on the planet!

    Cute pictures Amy!

  6. Amy, you waited so long to be a mommy. You have been blessed for your patience!!! Cooper is so special.

  7. What a joy to have such a YUMMY little one! It's clearly evident that Cooper loves his Mommy!
