May 14, 2008

Cooper's Dedication

On Sunday we had Cooper's baby dedication at New Foundation.

We had to wake Cooper up to take him up front!

It was special to have so many of our family members present.

And to have my Dad be the one to do the dedication.

Derek's Dad said a prayer after Derek and I had committed to raising Cooper up to serve Christ.

Lord, help us be faithful to you so that Cooper will see you through our lives. Give him a soft heart toward you so that at the earliest possible age, he will accept you as his personal Lord and Savior. Give us wisdom in raising him and teaching him about the wonderful God we know and trust!


  1. Sorry we missed it. But how neat that so many family members could be there!

  2. Hey Cooper.
    Aunt Julie and Uncle Mark are sad that we couldn't have been there, but we are so happy that you have a Mommy and Daddy who love you enough to know that you truly belong to Jesus, and are willing to do whatever it takes to show you the way to Him.
    Love and prayers,
    Aunt Julie

  3. From David-what a neat day! Your first mother's day and the day that Cooper was dedicated to the Lord. how cool is that!. We were bummed that we weren't there- I remember as I was washing the sand off my feet.
