March 19, 2008

10 Things About Me...

Okay... I'll do it! :)

1. Most of the foods I love are because of their texture. (Something soft or chewy with something crunchy in it is my favorite!)

2. I think it's fun and rewarding challenge to come up with different outfits by mix and matching clothing I already own.

3. I love breakfast cereal. (Especially something soft and crunchy combined, like Cheerios and Grape Nuts!) I could eat it for every meal and sometimes did when I was pregnant!

4. I love it when Derek goes grocery shopping with me. He makes everything more fun!

5. I claim to be a KU Basketball fan... but don't make time to watch every game. I do like to keep up on what's going on, but fall short of knowing every detail. However, it is March Madness and I've got the fever... :) Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

6. I dread taking a shower and getting myself takes too long. Why can't we be like "The Jetson's" and step on a conveyor belt and have it all done for us as we ride along? Someday maybe?

7. I've had my braces off for eight years and I still wear my retainer every night.

8. I love the color chocolate brown.

9. I'm really bad about not putting things away correctly. I tend to just "hide" them in a drawer, closet or cupboard.

10. I love roller coasters!


  1. I should have put your #6 on my list!! Especially these days, when everything is hard!! I wish I could shower at night without my hair suffering :) I could have put #9 on mine too!

  2. How fun! I also love chocolate brown and having my hubby go shopping with me. But the biggest point I agree with is the whole showering, make-up and hair thing! Takes too long and too much energy. But I would never have guessed that of always look great!

  3. I LOVE rollercoasters too! However, I find since I've had babies, I tend to get queezy quicker!

    I agree with the whole getting ready thing! Mirror, Mirror make me beautiful RIGHT NOW!
