March 19, 2008

10 Things About Cooper...

1. He twirls his hair when he's nursing or falling asleep. I don't care for this habit and am afraid he's going to have a bald spot! Sometimes he pulls so hard he makes himself cry!

2. At least once a week he wakes up at 4am and won't go back to sleep until after 6am. He's not usually fussy... just wants to play.

3. He laughs in his sleep! Yes... full out smile on his face and laughing... it's hilarious! He's done it since the first week he was born! It won't be as funny once he starts laughing when he's awake too, but right now it's so sweet! We haven't gotten it on video cause it happens out of no where and then it's over.

4. So far he has only slept in his own room at nap time. He sleeps in Mommy & Daddy's room in a cradle.

5. He is wearing mostly 3-6 months and some 6 month size clothes... even though he's only 6 weeks old!

6. He has started smiling! He smiles at Mommy all day but it seems like he saves the huge grins for when Daddy gets home.

7. He loves to ride in the car. He either sits quietly and looks around or falls asleep. Let's hope that keeps up!

8. He has quickly gotten used to the camera flashing in his face. You'd think he lives with the paparazzi. :)

9. He is obsessed with ceiling fans and lights. He'll stare at them for a long time.

10. He pukes a lot. (He's had a short life, I had to come up with 10 things!)


  1. I hate to tell you, but Grayson did that with his hair too (or mine) and he still does. He even acknowledges it! If he is upset and/or crying he will say he can just play with his hair to help him feel better - he just did this about 10 minutes ago when he was missing daddy!

  2. Thanks for playing Cooper!
    Kamen loved the ceiling fan as a baby too...we called it "Mr. Fan"!
    When Kaulin was 4 weeks, he outgrew all of his 3-6 month clothes overnight while we were at my Mom's house. Whenever I would pick him up all the snaps in his bottoms would come undone! So Gramma Pam had to buy him some new BIG clothes!

  3. Awww, that's got to be the sweetest 10 things I've read :)

  4. What a cool little man Cooper is! We're just dying to meet him sometime!
