April 18, 2007

Mr Squirrel - The Sequel

Mr Squirrel is doing good. We've had him almost a week now. He drinks the formula very well... we've switched to a dropper instead of the bottle. He bit a whole in the bottle, so the plastic dropper is better. He's learned what it is... so he's comes right to it to eat!

We put some birdseed, nuts and apple in his box. We're not sure how much if any of it he's eating... he hides in all in his blanket or under the flap of the box! :)

He's very friendly and playful...

I'm sure if Derek hadn't rescued him he would have died... we got snow over the weekend! April snow showers bring May flowers???

1 comment:

  1. You guys are crazy. I'm sure the cat would have a lot of fun with that if you let them "play!"
