October 3, 2019

Owen's First Day of Pre-K

Owen was pretty amped up about his meet-the-teacher night! 
Pre-k Shark do do do doo doo doo... 

We dropped off all his supplies...

Put his blanket and nap mat in this cubby...

He also got thumb printed. :) 

His teacher took a photo of him and then one of all of us.

Owen was so excited to go to school the next day. He was up and ready to eat breakfast early.

And helped pack lunches.

Then we took a few photos...

 of his actual first day of school.

His brothers got in on it too.

And Mama.

It was a really wet, rainy morning.  I held it together until I saw another Mama walking back out in tears.  I nearly lost it at that point. 

We made it inside to find that Owen's teacher had put his name, and the photo she had taken, on the back of his chair.

I kissed him goodbye as he whispered that he wanted me to stay with him... 💔
then I was the Mama with tears on the way out. 😩 

I ran a few errands while I had some time alone.

And went back to get Owen, who gets out of school before his brothers.
He said, "It was a long time".   It is, drop off is 8:15-8:45-am and pick up is 2:20-2:50.  I would rather he do a half day, but it's not an option here.  So...  long days it is. 

Owen's first day was a Friday, so the weekend began as soon as his week got started!

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