March 14, 2019

Saturday Schedule

When I took this photo, Derek had a pancake on his head. #lifewithatoddler
I honestly don't know how I didn't get  Oops.

Saturday mornings lead to afternoons at the gym.  We've enjoyed watching the boys play and improve throughout the season. 

Miles' coaches have been emphasizing rebounds, which is what we've been focusing on!  Miles has goals and has reached or exceeded them in games!  First 5, then 8 rebounds!! 

We had time to leave the gym between games...
Out into the Oklahoma wind. haha

And since Cooper had a gift card, (Thanks, Briones!!) we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch.

Then still ended up having time to go home for a while.
Where Owen grabbed his umbrella and insisted it was raining snow.
It wasn't.

But then he asked if I'd "like a cup of tea"!  Haha!
No thanks, Mary Poppins.

Thankfully, the road weren't snowy :) as we headed back to the gym for Cooper's game.

Owen took 842 photos of the game, the bench, the other spectators, us...

I laughed when I saw he took one of Derek's phone.  Derek downloaded an app to keep track of the boys' stats.  We're not hardcore, but it's a good way to keep track of rebounds, mostly. 

And gives the brothers something to encourage them to cheer for each other, a family requirement.

Of course, Owen still takes toys and ends up playing, usually on the floor.

He also joined the hype line for the game starting after our before we left.

The pastor and youth pastor of the church we've been attending coach one of the other teams.  The pastor gets everyone hyped up so much more than any of the other teams do! Ha. This was their team that was announcing the starting line up.  Pretty fun!

Then we left the hype and went home to chill.  :)

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