March 7, 2019

Santa, Little Helper

Anyone remember Owen's Santa Suit?  The one Aunt Mandy had to bribe him $2 just to wear??  Yeah, he randomly wear it around the house...   for free.  :)

He was cold one day and went to get a sweatshirt to put on, our solution - never turn the heat up???  Haha - and he came back wearing it, since, "It's so warm".  He helped Derek out with a project that night. 

That left me wondering, does that make him "Santa, little helper" rather than "Santa's little helper"?

Either way, he was a good helper.

A couple weeks later he saw that pants to the suit in his drawer and requested to wear the whole get up.  He ate breakfast. (I actually think this was second breakfast)

Then I found a little Santa raiding my pantry.
(Probaly looking for third breakfast!)

Then during reading time, we realized he'd checked out a book titled, "Little Santa". 
It's like he planned the whole thing.

He also ended up at basketball practice in his Santa Suit.

He got a lot of chuckles as he ran around the gym... 
and somehow ran into another child dressed as a pirate! 

There's almost always this kid dressed as a Harlem Globetrotter... 

Choose your battles, parents.  Let the kid wear the costume in public.  It's only socially acceptable for  such a short time in a person's life.  :) 

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