March 9, 2019

President's Day 2019 = TuesdayMonday

Everyone was was out of school or off work on President's Day.
Which gave me the rare opportunity run errands.all.alone.
It was glorious. haha.  Grocery shopping can feel so glamorous when in an empty mini-van.

We grilled for dinner so the boys ended the night with a s'more over the hot coals.

Having a Monday holiday make Tuesday feel very Monday.  Owen didn't even care, because he got to ride the lawnmowers at Lowe's!

Can you tell it's one of his favorite things?!

He also got to ride in the police car cart at Reasor's, a grocery store we go to for two things I can't find anywhere else. haha.  So this ride didn't last long.

We needed to hit the library and accidentally found it was storytime. 

But TuesdayMonday was catching up to Owen by then or something, he didn't want much to do with it. 

And things had gone downhill pretty quickly by the time we finished at Aldi.

He was improved again by the time we got back in the van for school pick up.
He got to snack on a leftover s'more.  And this is the time he gets to watch a car movie while we wait.  It's all good now. :)

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