March 18, 2019

Operation: Cabbage Plant

There is a 3rd grade program (Bonnie Plants) that gives cabbage plants to schools and the 3rd grade students take them home and grow them.  The goal is to see who can grow the biggest cabbage by September 20th.  I thought for sure I took a photo of Miles with his little cabbage plant.  But I didn't.

We needed supplies though, so we made a Walmart run and got a pot.

And soil.

And Miles talked me into some plant food.

Checked out and headed home.

Where he prepped the little plant...

And Daddy (and Owen, of course) helped him put it into the new pot.

Ready to watch it grow!

Miles checked on it again before bed.

And then again in the morning, insisting that it had already grown! :)

Apparently, Miles' love for nurturing creatures reaches over to plants too.
We don't need a pet after all!  Just a little cabbage plant. 😂

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