March 30, 2019

Huntin' Hogs

Derek had been tracking a wild hog out on the property he hunts.  It had broken a couple feeders and was generally tearing things up.  So after deer season was over, he set a plan in motion, figuring out where he was bedded down and where he was moving.

Then Derek did a couple of night sits trying to see him at the right time.

It took a couple of tries but the plan came together and Derek harvested one of the biggest hogs I've ever seen!

He had trouble getting him into the truck and had to use a wench.

Once he got him home though, he had lots of helpers. :)

Here is a little behind the scenes shot for you. 
Ha.  I crack myself up.

I digress...  :) 
Not only is that big hog not tearing things up and breaking feeders anymore.
We have pork in the freezer!  These boys like pork chops! 

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