March 12, 2019

Gray Paint - Oklahoma Edition

We knew we wanted to paint the walls in the main part of the house gray.  We had gray walls in Illinois and loved it.  But I wanted a lighter shade for this house, so the whole process of choosing a color began. 

This is not an easy process for me.  Not only am I indecisive, but gray is a hard color. Samples look different on every wall, in every light, at different times of the day.  So, I painted several colors on several walls and kept an eye on it.

 For months.

 We actually went back for more samples.  I'm ridiculous, I know.  
Owen didn't mind going back to Lowe's ride the lawn mowers several times. 

But, as you can see, this process started long enough ago that he's in shorts and flip flops. 🙈

In January, Derek said to me, "Let pick a color already and make it look like we live here.".  Haha.  So, we did.  And he started painting. 

He does the painting.  He worked for a painter years ago and he's pretty particular. 

He did have just a little bit of help.

Everyone likes to help.

It gets worse before it gets better with these kind of projects.... what a mess.

But, Derek we got it done!  It's hard to get a photo that shows the color, but I love it.

We've slowly been decorating and adding personal touches.
We have dreams of renovations.
Some big: Finishing the attic space.
Some smaller: Painting the cabinets, replacing flooring.

But this is the most like home this house has felt since we moved in nine.months.ago. ha.

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