March 28, 2019

Cold Weather Day

The weekend that my friends left and church was cancelled due to ice, we got messages from the school saying that there would be no school on Monday, the next morning.  This was apparently due to the frigid temps at morning bus stop times.  So, our weekend was extended and we stayed home. My favorite!  
We stayed in slippers.

And we drank hot cocoa and coffee. the fire.

Well, Owen preferred his new miniature cup that he begged for at Dollar Tree.
Yes, it's was package of disposable shot glasses.

We did have to leave the house because we had a year end basketball event that night didn't get cancelled.

Owen took his bag full of toys.
And used them.  All.

There was an illusionist that performed.

And crawled into a balloon. 

So that's worth leaving the house for, right?! 😂

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