December 12, 2017

First Practices

Cooper is on the Lego League at school.  This is the robotics team and they have a 7:15am practice before school once a week.  In the middle of November they had a practice competition on a Saturday too. 

Derek had been in Kansas hunting all week and drove home (empty handed 😞) through the night.  He got home around 4am, took a short nap, basically, then woke up at 6am to go with Cooper to the competition.  Cooper helps do the programming, they type a bunch of gibberish into an iPad and it's supposed to make the robot, that the design team created, complete certain missions. 

They are then judged on all of this.  And also have to answer questions to the judges about it all.

They are timed and have to get their robot to complete the missions.

Meanwhile, I took Miles to his first basketball practice. 

His first ever basketball practice, he had so much fun.

Owen wasn't thrilled that it was happening during nap time.

We went home and Owen got his nap.  So did Derek.  While I took Cooper to his basketball practice.

Whew.  Time for a water break?!

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